WOW! 34 exercises on Power Plate My3 Vibration Training Plate, includes £300 worth of extras
Do you want to get back into an effective fitness improvement regime trusted by celebrities, athletes and doctors. Used by Mark Wahlberg, Serena Williams and an F1 Driver
All in one compact Power Plate you can:
Burn fat quicker
Tighten skin
Increase strength
Increase Circulation
Improve core strength
Activate more muscle
Improve flexibility
Improve bone strength
Cheapest new Power Plate is £1695 but closest to the design and features of the My3 is £3995!!
This Power Plate is in excellent working condition, no issues. Solidly built to last.
This Power Plate comes with the normal straps and 3 different depth foam mats tailored to the training plate which vary the vibration effect on your body to suit your preference. But it also includes bonus extras worth around £300. These extras include a Power Plate Step box and back support to extend the number of exercises that can be achieved. Plus a tailored Power Plate sprung base plate that the training plate can sit on. This allows the plate to be placed on wooden floors as the base plate reduces the vibration effect on the floor, but with no reduction in the exercise benefits.
34 exercises including 18 strength, 6 stretch, 6 massage and 4 relaxation exercises.
At only £499 this Power Plate is a bargain!
If you want to find out more about the benfits of Power Plate vibration training plates search for the manufacturer's Power Plate website.