Putting the feelers out to see if there's any interest in my 3.5 tonne lorry.
Currently in for MOT, getting some advisories done, all history of MOT can be seen online and happy to discuss. Will be for sale the minute it's out the garage.
Sad sale as its been such a great wee lorry and easy to drive would be an ideal ladies lorry, only selling as I'm getting another.
- 99,485 miles
- Easily held my 16.1 horse, could easily take 2 ponies.
- Storage cupboard with saddle racks and hanger.
- Under seat storage in the back.
- Big grooms area with seating.
- Tie rings.
- Luton storage
- Spare tyre.
- Roof vent, two windows in the back.
Pm for any further details including price. Reasonably priced especially for this market.