My story
Zero is a 7-month-old female Lab/Pit mix who has already been spayed. She is brindle with a bit of white markings; she is a doll! Zero will grow up to be a medium sized adult dog who will weigh 30-60 pounds. She is leash trained but not house trained. Zero would be fine with children but is not good with most other dogs. If you own another dog, it would be a good idea to bring your dog for a meet and greet with Zero to see if she gets along well with your dog.Adult dog adoption fees are $20; puppies up to 6 months old --adoption fees are $75. Adult cat adoption fees are $10; kittens up to 6 months old--adoption fees are $35. Our adoption fees cover a microchip, microchip registration, discounted spay/neuter certificate, deworming, vaccinations (as age and law requires), and a courtesy vet exam at participating offices. Unless otherwise indicated under 'special needs' our dogs have screened heart worm negative. March 14, 2023, 5:16 pm
If you have any questions or would like to adopt Zero 36296, please reach out to the adoption group directly. PetSmart Charities does not facilitate the adoption process. Thank you.