21 speed yuba mundo cargo bike in black ...purchased new from ordinary bike shop about four months ago and in better than new condition...has less than 200 miles on her...extras include a stainless steel front basket,barefootin' pedals,nice riser stem,new comfy seat and a steering stabilizer springy thingy...wheels retensioned and trued,wheel bearings precision adjusted,dropouts aligned and custom braze-ons installed by framebuilder ed to allow the use of a front atb rack(included)...rides wonderfully...nice chance to roll a cargo bike without having to pay the $1100.00 this girl cost new...first $850.00 takes her...needin the money to go on a long bike tour is the only reason for sale...call tim at
to come have a look...we're near campbell and glenn...yubaride.com 21 speed black for the specs...
Location: tucson