I got this male Parti Yorkie around 2 months earlier. His birth date is February 6th,2014. I have his full AKC application. His color is brightening and plannings to possibly being a sable color as adult. He has white on 3 paws, his chest and his chin. He is virtually 5 months old and virtually 7 Lbs. His mama was 4 Lbs. and Dad 5 Lbs. He plays well with our grandchildren. Loves to chase after other canines. He is at the age he wants to kindly, he goes in and out the doggie door. He is going to be too big to reproduce my female Yorkshire Terrier. I live on a cattle ranch 31/2 hours East of Mesa, I want to fulfill you part way. Questions email or call Jane 928 * 965 * 4396. Thanks.