Yorkipoo 2 males $450 each. Black with a white spot on chin and black with white muzzle & chest. Born 4/3/2015 ready for new home around 6/5/2015. 3 Weeks old now. Tails docked & dews clipped. Will have their 1st shot & go to the groomers. Dad is a 5
Lb. Yorkshire Terrier AKC and Mom is a 7 Lb. Toy Poodle. He will come with a gift bag including: blanket (with the litters scent), toys, food, shot record & instruction sheet. Health guarantee. Born and raised in our home with love. Held everyday, you can pick his name and we call him by name; watch them grow on the website , updated weekly. $150 deposit to reserve them and balance is due in cash when you receive your puppy. FREE delivery to Gilbert, AZ or Willcox, AZ, we live on a cattle ranch 3 hours East of Mesa & 1 1/2 hours NE of Tucson. We will start potty training & doggie door training weather permitting. Hypo allergenic & non-shedding. For questions email or call Jane Cell (, home (. Please no text messages.