Accepting deposits for 3 male Yorkshire Terriers or Yorkies AKC. #1 $900, #2 $1,000 & #3 $800. They were born on 3/16/2015 & will be ready for new homes around the 3rd week of May 2015. Mom 5 Lbs. & Dad 4 Lbs. Mom is Blue & Gold, Dad is Black & Tan. Dad has Chocolates and Parti in his back ground. Tails docked & dews clipped. Full AKC registration application. Has had 1st shot & will go to the groomers. Each comes with a gift bag including: homemade blanket (with the litters scent), toys, food, vaccination record & instruction sheet. Health guarantee. Born and raised in our home with love. Held & played with everyday. See all of their and the parents pictures @ updated weekly. $250 deposit to reserve him and balance is due in cash when he is delivered. FREE delivery to Gilbert, AZ May 20th or 30th; or Willcox, AZ. We will start potty training & doggie door training if the weather permits. Hypo allergenic & non-shedding. For questions email or call Jane E ( home or cell (. Please no text messages.