I still have 1 adorable Yorkie Tzu puppie for sale. Yorkie Tzus are designer dogs mixed with shih tzu & yorkie. They are also hypoallergenic, so they're great for people with allergies.
He will grow to be about 7-12 lbs and is super cute. Both parents, including the puppies come from loving families and are raised around kids and other dogs.
He was born on April 27, 2013 & he will be ready to go to his forever home on June 23rd. He will come with his 1st set of shots including de-worming, food, treats, a toy with mommy's scent & he is already starting to be be pee pad trained.
You can call/text me at (707)- to schedule an appointment to see & meet the puppies or for any other questions.
**the last 2 pictures are of mommy & daddy**
You can also watch videos of the puppies at