Three loving yorkie terriers are beginning to search for their new homes. The boys are currently 6.5 weeks of age and will not be re homed until they are at least 8 weeks. Each little guy is currently weighing in at 1.5 lbs and will have an adult estimated weight of 5-7 lbs. the pups have had their tails docked and the dew claws removed.
Both the mommy, black and gold 7 lb yorkie, and stud daddy, 5.5 lbs silver and gold yorkie, are AKC registered parents.
The pups are transitioning into solid food, and love any type of belly rub. Each one has their own personality and character traits, from being the active one to being a bit more timid and shy.
If you would like to make one of these guys a part of your family and would like to have a look them or would like more info, let me know.