Sweet Yorkie puppies ! 3 females and one Male available. 3 will be $700.00 and one smaller girl will be $750.00. Parents are 5.5 lbs and 3 lbs. They are our house pets- No Kennels. Both parents are AKC registered . Puppy registration papers at pick up.
Pups Carry the Rare Parti Gene for color, and could produce Parti colored Yorkies if bred to the right male. Pups Mom's grand sire won AKC International ( World) Championship !!! She comes from a long line of Champion Show Dogs. Mom is blue/ Silver /gold traditional Yorkie, Dad is Black / White/ Full Parti colored Yorkie . I have sold her puppies for more than $2000.00 each in the past. I have them priced low for affordable Christmas gifts to approved families. They are Quality Healthy breeding from top of the lines Parents! Don't miss your chance to own one of these girls before they are gone. I usually have deposits to hold as soon as I list them. A 200.00 deposit will hold your baby until the week of Christmas I have many puppy parent references , as well as Vet references available upon request! They will be 3.5 to 5 lbs weight when grown . Big round eyes , short noses , short coby body, & meet all AKC standards. Located in Foley, AL