Meet Kendall -- 3 1/2 lbs now at 9 months. She may or may not be 4 lbs. total adult weight. She is an Exceptional Yorkie Girl n Every Way!! I bought her at 3 months with hopes to breed with my little male. Unfortunately, she will not be big enough to Breed. She may gain a few ounces. She is potty pad trained. loves everyone she meets and other animals- including cats. She is Spoiled rotten, and so Loving. She loves to ride in your car and go everywhere you go. She has Outstanding Bloodlines, and comes from Stonewall Ranch Yorkies. She is short bodied, Short Legs , short little Nose, and her coat is the best you can ever find. Straight and silky- not thin & frizzy .
She is also the Rare Parti Yorkie. Her white around her tiny face makes her look like a little stuffed toy! I have Vet references & Other references upon request. We love her dearly and will only sell to an approved home..Pick up in Foley, Alabama preferred .. Shipping by Air is available at additional cost.
. Her Price is FIRM AT $1650.00 For Pet ONLY ...
AKC Paperwork given -- but no breeding rights. I AM LOCATED IN FOLEY, AL