I have a really Sweet 20 month old Male AKC Yorkshire Terrier for Sale. He is White/Black with Tan on Face. He has and is an excellent breeder produced numerous litters of little young puppies. He is NOT FIXED. I have decided to simply keep one male- so I'm letting him go. He weighs 4.5 pounds at present. All Shots & & Medical exams are current.
He likes kids and everybody he meets- Not a Barker. Would be a fantastic Family pet (enjoys to play fetch) or a one canine house for a couple.
11 inches long & & 10 inches Tall. He's Not tiny- medium sized But Not huge. Sturdy- Not frail either. A Nice Silky Coat. I'm Selling him at an excellent reduced price to find him a home quickly. Parti Yorkies are extremely gorgeous & & Rare- He is full blooded AKC Registered. Would consider selling to a little in-home breeder. I am found in Foley, Alabama
Please contact me to make this Sweet Boy yours!