I have an xbox 360 slim that I've possessed for a while now, but simply do not play much anymore. I have nearly 30 video games for it. 3 of the video games are discs, and the others are all downloaded on to the hard disk. The disc games are darksiders II, fable: the lost chapters, and halo 4. The games on the hard disk drive are assassin's creed II, street fighter 4, dark souls, saints row 3, civilization revolution, suppression, dead island, deadrising 2, fable III, halo 3, minecraft, rainbow 6 vegas, skyrim, sleeping pet dogs, and a lot of others. The system itself is 4gb, but I have a 120gb hard disk drive in it. I likewise have one black, cordless controller and an X12 Turtle Beach headset. I've taken good care of everything in the time I've had it, so everything works like a charm. I 'd such as to sell the package for $200. I'm likewise ready for trades for electronic devices and such. I may likewise offer things separately, but for a greater rate than in the bundle. If you 'd like, I'll let you try everything out at my home while it's all still set up. No shipping or paypal. Purchaser has to come to me. If you're interested or have questions, shoot me a text or call 5sixthree 4nine9three968. If I do not answer, I'm most likely at work so just leave a voicemail. Thanks for your time!