My story
Mr. Willard is ready find his forever home.Willard is a 30lb Schnauzer/Terrier mix who came to Brighter Days with back leg injury. After seeing the specialist we determined he needed FHO surgery on his hip, which was successfully done yesterday.Willard is such an amazing dog. He is a bundle of joy, love, and goofiness. Willard is still a puppy and has that fun puppy energy. After getting to know Willard we think he would do great in a home with another big dog to run around and play with. While he loves playing with the fosters little dogs, and is so sweet, he doesn’t realize his size and thinks all dogs are as big as he is. Willard is also a love bug and such an affectionate dog. Whoever adopts him will be so lucky!!!If you are interested in adopting Willard, please fill out our adoption application at
If you have any questions or would like to adopt Willard - PENDING ADOPTION, please reach out to the adoption group directly. PetSmart Charities does not facilitate the adoption process. Thank you.