My story
Whizzbee is 4 years old and is a small to medium sized dog. She weighs around 20 lbs. She's very shy, timid, and scared of loud noises and sudden movements. Sadly, her early life was not easy. This sweet girl got very little attention and wasn't socialized at all. She lived outdoors and had several litters before coming to the Humane Society. Those days of endless motherhood are in the past and now she can be the center of attention as she deserves. Whizzbee needs an adopter who will be patient with her and help her gain confidence.
Whizzbee is not aggressive. She gets along with other dogs and does fine with cats. She's very good in the house, curling up on her dog bed. She sleeps in a crate all night with no issues. She'll even try to let you know she needs to go out, but it's not consistent enough to say she's fully housetrained. If you can let her out a few times during the day, she won't have any accidents. She loves to gather up toys, dog bowls, whatever she can find and bring them to her bed! As she's gotten more secure in my foster home, her playfulness is coming out. She'll scoot around the yard or on the deck, slapping her front feet and tossing her head around. It's kind of a "catch me, catch me! kind of play. She walks on a leash for a bit, but needs more training in that area. She was heartworm positive when she came to GHHS. She completed treatment and is doing well.
She's just a lovely, sweet, gentle dog who's been brave and stayed kind in a situation that wasn't that good to her. With love and patience, she'll make a great addition to any family.
If you have any questions or would like to adopt Whizzbee, please reach out to the adoption group directly. PetSmart Charities does not facilitate the adoption process. Thank you.