Wesley's story
Wesley was a seemingly normal kitten at first. As normal as ending up in a city shelter, being thrown in a cage with two other orphaned, 10-day old, still-nursing babies from other litters, can be. We picked him up when a regular "out by 7pm or else" email warning came through from the city.
For the first week or two he seemed to thrive, until it was obvious his 'litter mates' were gaining weight, and Wesley was losing it. This wasn't due to a lack of appetite. Wesley was devouring food as if he had been deprived for days. After rounds of medicines, ointments and probiotics, two vets separately delivered the news: "this happens to roughly one out of five hundred kittens in a season, and all we can do is watch him die.
Wesley had malabsorption, and no matter the quality or quantity of nutrients he was given, no calories or vitamins would be absorbed into his system. He was weak and nimble, a furry skeleton.
Enter, Project Runt.
We stuck it out with Wesley. We would not give up. And eventually, one day, something seemed to turn. The fluids and B-12 shots were working. The carefully monitored feeding and gentle attention started to pay off. Wesley slowly started getting stronger.
Now, at 7 weeks old, he is still small for his age range, but we don't care! He's just as happy as a kitten can be, just as warm and healthy and playful. And he is now ready for a full time family, who doesn't mind his mini-runty-ways, and giant, round pot belly that doesn't match his slender frame. A family who is looking for a cat who will never stop appreciating the kind of love that saves lives.
See more Wesley pics and video at ProjectRunt.org !