Title: VNTG Carl Fisher Brand Double French Horn with Mouthpiece (Parts and Repair)Item AttributesBrand: Carl FischerType: DoubleColor: GoldKey: F/Bb/High FInstrument: French HornCONDITION:For parts or not workingPLEASE NOTE: All four (4) of the rotary valves are stuck in place, but the first valve can move slightly.
The structure connecting the mouthpiece tubing area to the exterior curve of the instrument is not attached.
Most of the slides are stuck in place, but there are several that can slide back and forth a little.
The mouthpiece (Al-Tru, York) is stuck in the instrument currently.
Lastly, there are multiple cosmetic issues with the instrument (scuffs, scratches, dents, rust/oxidation, and areas missing the shiny finish).The item is being listed for parts and repair and is being sold in AS IS condition.***Condition Disclaimer***We do not ensure the playability of any musical instrument.This is a pre-owned item being sold AS IS. If you have any questions regarding this item, please contact us PRIOR to bidding.We describe each item to the best of our ability; however, we are NOT experts in any field. All measurements are approximated. Any Date of Manufacture is estimated. WEIGHT & DIMENSIONS:Weight:5.00Shipping Weight:28.00Dimensions:16.00 x 16.00 x 12.00