This a vintage Hammond Electronic Organ with Leslie Animation made in the USA. It is a late 1970's to early '80s model and appears similar but not exactly the same as the Aurora Classic model. This powers up and the rhythm section plays and can be adjusted and I can get some voices from it but it seems to require service since I couldn't get all keyboard voices to work loud and clear even though the rhythm voices were loud and clear. Some very light AC hum can also be heard through the speakers at full volume as well as a dim voice tone in the background as if a key had been depressed and held. The bass peddles and volume pedal operate but I wasn't getting full options from the bass pedal voices either. This has been in storage and requires cleaning and some attention as described. Cabinet and panels, keyboards,switches are all in excellent condition. Not a lot of wear on this with very few scratches or scuffs on the cabinet make this special. What also makes it special is the internal miniature Leslie Animation rotating speaker system effect that I assume simulates a Leslie Rotating speaker cabinet effect. This is offered "as-is". This only offered for local pick-up in Long Island, NY.
Please feel free to inspect this in person or have an expert evaluate it for you. We will accommodate you in any way possible. This weighs between 250-350 pounds.
Approx. Dimensions: 43" Wide x 24" Deep x 40" Tall
$400 or best offer
Call if interested to make arrangements to see this. This is available for inspection 7 days a week during day hours anytime after 10am.