I am the original owner of this bike. I saved up my money and bought it in 1991 when I was 12. My parents kept it at their house until my boys were old enough to ride it. Now my boys have grown and they have their own specialized stump jumpers. It's time to part ways and let somebody else enjoy this bike. It really is a nice vintage bike.
This vintage 1991 Specialized Hard Rock bicycle is a great addition to any cycling enthusiast's collection. With its classic design and durable construction, it's sure to provide a reliable ride for years to come. The bike features a brand name of Specialized and the model is a Specialized Hard Rock. The model year is 1991.
The bicycle is suitable for a variety of terrains and is perfect for leisurely rides or more intense cycling adventures. Its solid frame ensures stability and strength, while its comfortable seating provides a smooth ride. Whether you're a seasoned cyclist or a beginner, this vintage bike is a great choice for anyone looking for a reliable and stylish means of transportation.