I have the following Sylvania projector lamps (light bulbs) for sale. Buy individually or get them all. Costs as kept in mind. Money only.
Sylvania DFD blue top projector light.
1000W - 120V - 10HR --------$10.
Sylvania DAK blue top projector lamp (qty 2).
500W - 120V - 25HR ---------$18 each.
Sylvania CAR blue top projector lamp.
150W - 120V -------------------$5.
Sylvania Tungsten Halogen light.
100W - 120V - 1000HR ------ $12.
I have no method to test these bulbs however with the exception of the CAR provided, all are in original boxes, the lamps seem brand-new and the filaments seem undamaged. Kindly email with any concerns or if interested.