Finished last May and trying to obtain rid of these textbooks that I have no use for!
1. Origins of the 2nd and very first world wars. Utilized in World Civ 2-- $5.
2. America's New Democracy-- $5.
3. Speaker's Guidebook. Utilized in Communication-- $10.
4. Managing and getting Financial Resources, Used for WCOB 2043 (utilized this earlier edition made particularly for the UofA and it worked wonderful)-- $10.
5. Business Law book, Walton College WCOB 1012-- $10.
6. Money, Banking, and the Financial System, Used for Walton College Money and Banking course, bought brand new-- $20.
7. Item, Project and Service Costing, Used for ACCT 4673 (taken in Spring 2014) International version however states precise same things as more expensive variation (I've inspected) Got me with item costing excellent-- $25.
E-mail or text me at 4seven9- 3eight7- 2five43 if interested !!