UAF textbooks for sale, all in good condition.
MATH 262X "Calculus for Business and Econ" UAF specific book. Gently used, loose-leaf. Retail new: $129, asking $60.
STAT 200X "Probability and Statistics" book. Practically new, loose-leaf, including new Aplia online access code. Retail new: $190, asking $100.
ACCT 342 "Managerial Cost Accounting" book. Good condition, hardcover. Retail new: $365, asking $150.
ACCT 261X "Financial Accounting" UAF specific book. Moderately used, paperback. Retail new: $150, asking $70.
ACCT 262X "Managerial Accounting" UAF specific book. Good condition, paperback. Retail new: $150, asking $70.
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