TWIN bed COMFORTER SETS Williamsburg Magnolia Grandiflora Design 100 % COTTON incredibly 10 PIECES.
Offering a set of TEN PIECES ... including TWO comforters, TWO dust-ruffles, TWO shams. Will likewise include TWO pillow cases ... plus ONE twin flat sheet and ONE twin fitted sheet. You could find more matching items online ... I've discovered them provided on Amazon and eBay for high prices ... I simply examined! LOVELY botanical print, with magnolias, primrose, periwinkle, vines and butterflies etc. Matching beautiful striped bed-skirts. ALL LIKE NEW, only used in guest room, to stage a home ... These sets cost about $200. for EACH SET, retail. So the value of this package would have to do with $450.+ for all 10 pieces. Will offer everything for $95. CASH ONLY. KINDLY INCLUDE A PHONE NUMBER WITH YOUR INQUIRY. (TOO MUCH SPAM!) Thank you.