i have a gift card for (2) of your choice out of a big selection of custom tungsten steele wedding bands, you can get his and hers or two for him or two for her. You only have to pay shipping on your order! which to Mobile is like $50 dollars. there immediately shipped and arrive in 2 days. Must know size you need when ordering.These are the most durable bands made, so strong that they must be made the correct size, and the metal is too hard for resizing!. You can break them! you can go to JVLJEWEKRY.com homepage and click the image to the left that says redeem gift card to look through the choices of rings you can get. call or text anytime
Nick the rings range from $260-$300 so this is a $600 value. so price is not negotiable. i will however trade for a hand gun or a nice tv! i want a 55" i am wiling to put cash with my gift card for the right tv or gun! Let me know what you have. Serious inquiries only! 250$$ OBO
Location: Axis, AL