My story
Tulip is a female shepherd mix born 12/2022. She is spayed, microchipped & UTD on vaccines. Her breed is our best guess.
Tulip loves to spend time with herself & observe what's going on around her. She prefers one-on-one time with her person. She loves to play with toys & other dogs. If it gets too hectic, she will wander on her own. She is crate trained & is working on her potty training (accidents should be expected while she adjusts to a new environment). She will need to go to a home with a secured, attached yard as we feel she will be a medium-large size when full grown. She will need continued leash/harness.
Please complete an adoption application at & you will be contacted within 48hrs if your application fits her current needs.
If you have any questions or would like to adopt Tulip, please reach out to the adoption group directly. PetSmart Charities does not facilitate the adoption process. Thank you.