My story
Trick is a male heeler mix. He was born 8/24/21. His mom weighs around 25lbs. His neuter appointment is scheduled, he is microchipped & UTD on his vaccines per his age.Trick is ready for his furever family! He loves to play with toys & other dogs. He has never been exposed to cats. He gets along with all sized humans but keep in mind, he is all puppy & still needs to learn some of his manners! He is learning to go potty outside by being let out onto the patio. He would love a nice bed or a comfy blanket to snuggle into at night. He is such a sweet boy, we can't figure out why he doesn't have a family yet!Please complete an adoption application at & you will be contacted if your application fits his needs.
If you have any questions or would like to adopt Trick, please reach out to the adoption group directly. PetSmart Charities does not facilitate the adoption process. Thank you.