I have a male multigenerational goldendoodle for sale. He was born on 12/21/14. He was being trained as a Service dog for someone in a wheel chair but is a bit too submissive for this type of work. Goldendoodles can be sensitive and we need a more confident dog who can handle stressful situations. He will make an awesome pet! He knows:sit, down, stay, come, heel, shake, stand, turn, walks loosely on a leash using an easy walk harness, potty trained, and crate trained. He rides very well in the car and is great out in public. He loves to be cuddled and loved on. He is great with cats, children, babies, horses, cows, and pigs. He was raised in a home with a 1 year old, he loves her! He is currently attending a public obedience class and is top in his class, he ignores all the other dogs and just waits for his commands.
I did have someone interested but I can't find her number as I got a new phone shortly after we talked, if you are that person please contact us!