Beau is a gorgeous little Red/Black Phantom, His Mom is my AKC Black Stormy, she weighs 6 .lbs and is 10" tall, She has many Champions in her Pedigree. His Dad is my little Red Sparky, who weighs 4 1/2 lbs and is 9" tall. He too has many Champion in his Pedigree. Beau is available for Pet only. He will come to you up to date on all of his Vaccines and De-wormings. He also comes with a 1 year genetic health guarantee. A 300 nonrefundable deposit will hold him for you, til he is big enough to go home with you. Shipping is 350, or you are welcome to come to my home to pick him up, that way you can meet his parents, and some of his grandparents. For more info on him you can message me, or call . You can see Him and his parents at my website.