We have a litter of Extra Tiny Teacup & Tiny Toy Yorkies available. (3 Females, 1 Male) They have short adorable baby doll/teddy bear faces, round eyes, short legs, short bodies, and thick beautiful coats. Estimated to be between 2-4.5 lb.
Mom is 4.5 lb & Dad is 2 1/2 lb and comes from Velvet Touch Yorkies line. Both parents are AKC registered, but puppies will be sold as pets only. All puppies come with shots, dewormings, and health guarantee.
***This Tiny Teacup Yorkshire Terrier female will be approx. 3-4 lb full grown. She is so super cute with her dark round eyes, compact, tiny short body, and beautiful dark coat. She is very playful, friendly, sweet, and loving. Loves to give kisses! Her price is $1,800.***
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