We have one male (700) and one female avaliable for their brand-new for ever house. Female is xxtiny and the choice of the litter she has a tiny button pink and black nose. she is 800. These are purebred maltese. They are non and hypoallergenic losing. This is an excellent type to possess. They make a perfetc household pet or buddy. The puppies are 9 weeks old and they are complete and very healthy of energy-efficient. They have their fifirst vaccinations and they have actually been properly De wormed. They have actually been raised and mingled with youngsters and just enjoy them. These children will he small. They have sweet teddy bear deals with and gorgeous soft coats. The moms and dads are 3.5 and almost 7 lbs so these puppies will be little. Please remember. The puppies will certainly not be sold with papers at all so please do not ask. They will have a shot record and a small young puppy pack including deals with and toy. Both moms and dads of the dog pies have never ever had any medical or health concerns either. Young puppies will certainly go fast price is minimized for the vacations! Would make a best Christmas present! Severe inquires only kindly we will certainly not get rid of to just any individual. Very picky. Thanks!