This unique miniature painting titled "Dragon Fly" is a one-of-a-kind piece of contemporary art by artist Don Joslyn. Measuring at 2"x3", it's a small and exquisite painting that captures the beauty of nature with a dragonfly in a landscape. The painting is signed by the artist, Don Joslyn, and was produced in 2023 using acrylic paint on 300 lb acid-free watercolor paper. The painting is unframed, and its features include being an ACEO (Art Card Editions and Originals) and a miniature painting. This original piece would be a great addition to any art collection, and it's perfect for those who appreciate contemporary art and the beauty of nature.This painting is much more detailed and vivid in person . The photo doesn’t do it Justice .
World-renowned Artist Don Joslyn has made His debut entrance with His first painting in 14 years. My Miniature and Micro paintings have been sold around the world 1. They have been in Maine art galleries, Miniature doll house magazine and Downeast magazine. They were featured on the local news and paper and on Good Morning America . I have painted large and small paintings in acrylics For over 40 years. My average size is 2”x3”. I have done some that are micro which are smaller than a dime. All will be on acid free 300 or 140lb sturdy water color paper. Celebrate now with me as I launch My new creations . Sincerely Don Joslyn