This lil babydoll "TinyTink is almost 13 wks . She is a real firecracker being born 10 minutes after 12 on the 4th of July. She is 12 & 1/2 wks old and Tink is full of energy and has energy to burn, She is going to weigh aprox. around 1 to 1& 1/2 lb when grown. She will have every thing she needs to strart her new ilfe. she comes with her food, toys, snacks, blankie & her outfit she will be wearng. She comes with a written health guarantee, she is prespoiled for new momies & daddies.!
her giftbag comes with her food, toys collar, her toothebrush /paste , She is patienty waitng for that speciall person to come get this lil lady so just give us a call, we do have voice mail and we will meet yout part way . contact #
w/ serious calls only $ 550 cash no checks pls but due to a sponataneous road trip to gatlinburg this weekend she has been reduced to $550.00 cash come on and get her we'll drive & meet you part way
thank you & God Bless you all,