Tiny Imperial Shih Tzu Puppies 1 Female 2 male. They will be no bigger then 5 to 6 lbs when full grown short legs and short back AKC registered limited or full . Mommy and daddy are 6 lbs D.O.B is 06/20 they have cuddly personality, they are wonderful with children they love to play. They are being potty trainied on pee pads. They will come with there first set of shots and deworming. They will be ready for her forever home on 8/15. If interested and want more info please call me or text me @ 04 or email me. I do deliver in person only with in the California area I can go all the way to you or meet you half way its all include in the puppies price. I will be in the L.A area on the 21 till the 22th of this month If interested in one of my puppies