My story
Thunder is an 1-year-old male Lab mix who must be neutered before he is adopted. He weighs 52 pounds. Thunder is active and playful. He would be good with children. If you have another dog, we would suggest you bring your dog for a meet and greet with Thunder.Dog/puppy adoption fees are $75 and cat/kitten adoption fees are $35 (as long as funds are available). Our adoption fees cover a microchip, microchip registration, discounted spay/neuter certificate, deworming, vaccinations (as age and law requires), and a courtesy vet exam at participating offices. Unless otherwise indicated under 'special needs' our dogs have screened heart worm negative. November 21, 2022, 2:08 pm
If you have any questions or would like to adopt Thunder 36084, please reach out to the adoption group directly. PetSmart Charities does not facilitate the adoption process. Thank you.