PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS POST COMPLIES WITH THE CL TOU AND ALLOTHER CL RULES AND REGULATIONS. IT IS RE/TOP-POSTED ONLYWHEN THE CL SYSTEM ALLOWS IT...HOWEVER, I'M ALWAYS APPRECIATIVEOF THE OPPORTUNITY TO TOP-POST EARLIER THAN THE 48 HOURSALLOWED BY THE SYS - FLAGGERS TAKE NOTE.IF YOU DON'T WANT TO SEE DEALER POSTS (LIKE THIS), PLEASE CLICKTHE "BY OWNER" ICON AT THE TOP OF THE LIST. Thanks for your consideration--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Guitarists, meet The Napper.UPDATE - The Napper now features a single-point ground bussarchitecture, wth all input and output connectors isolated fromthe chassis. The inputs are RF-bypassed to ensure freedom fromradio-station pickup and other RFI. The hum level in this amp -INCLUDING THE REVERB - is astonishingly low. It's "studioquiet." Bring your axe and see how good you sound with yourplaying resting on a bed of silence.COMING SOON - the Napper willl be available wth a 15" DT-series speaker and a higher power output stage.----------------------------------------------------------------------The Napper incorporates quite a few of the requestsplayers have made over the years when I've askedthem what they'd like their "dream amp" to do.Such as...- Ability to use different power tube types- Low power switch- Lightweight - 31lbs (top grade Baltic birch ply)- Line/recording output- Built like a tank- Gotta look way cool (the Napper is a CHICK MAGNET!)- Sounds *great* with pedals- TONE OUT THE WAZOO! (Yep!)- Good for Jazz as well as Rock and Country- All tube (natch!)- Small (same size as a Princeton Reverb, twenty X 16 X 9-1/2)SPECS