Whether you have just starting out in business or you have been active for a while, we always find there is still the need to learn.
Sometimes you just want to get to the heart of the matter. That is where the Low Cost Empire J.U.S.T. Series comes in.
I have put together 4 books that cover a lot of the basics for a business start-up. Are you an Entrepreneur, Artist, Musician or Business Owner? The information contained in these books is thorough, immediately useful to you and vital! The four books are listed below:
1. Low Cost Empire J.U.S.T. Series Volume 1: The Essential 3 Step Process When Naming A Business
2. Low Cost Empire J.U.S.T. Series Volume 2: Ideas For Raising Seed Money
3. Low Cost Empire J.U.S.T. Series Volume 3: Getting Ready To Pitch
4. Low Cost Empire J.U.S.T. Series Volume 4: Intellectual Property Basics
You can go to lowcostempire.com and look for "Just Books" or you can go to Create Space, Kindle, Lulu. Create Space is a paper soft cover version.
Kindle and LuLu are electronic and LuLu's E-Pub File can be viewed on a multitude of devices. Kindle has a free App to load on your smart phone or laptop as well as the physical Kindle Device.
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