The Fluffy Pups were born in Fresno where there mom lived with her 17yr old owner. We were called to come get the Pom/Chi. mix babies when their living arrangements became uncertain. All of them have thrived and are now ready to find their forever homes. They are ready for puppy classes, a good routine, a family who will love them, and a home that they can go from puppyhood to old age in the arms of one loving owner. The puppies are spirited and loving, they believe the world is a safe and good place.
Puppies can be a handful- plenty of pee, poo and chewing so make sure you have the time to give a puppy and tolerance for mistakes, can provide puppy classes, things for a puppy to do and think about every day. They will need continued social opportunities to meet, cats, dogs, strangers and children to mature into the best adult dog they can be. For more information on Lola,Britney, Chewie and Petey, please contact Kathy at [email protected]