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The Cobra Event is set in movement one spring morning in New York City, when a seventeen-year-old student wakes up sensation vaguely ill. Hours later she is having violent seizures, blood is pouring out of her nose, and she has begun an ugly process of self-cannibalization. Quickly, other nasty fatalities of a comparable nature have been discovered, and the Centers for Disease Control sends a forensic pathologist to investigate. Exactly what she finds precipitates a federal crisis.
The information of this story are fictional, but they are based on a scrupulously comprehensive questions into the history of biological weapons and their use by military and civilian terrorists.
Richard Preston's sources get members of the FBI and the United States military, public health officials, intelligence officers in foreign governments, and scientists who have been associated with the screening of strategic bioweapons.
The accounts of what they have actually seen and exactly what they anticipate to happen are cooling.
The Cobra Event is a dramatic, heart-stopping account of a very real hazard, informed with the skill and authority that made Preston's The Hot Zone a worldwide well-known bestseller.