This little guy is looking for a loving home to take him in. He is almost 5 and a half months old and is pretty much fully grown. He is going to be right above a teacup size and right below a standard size. His current weight is 5.5 lbs. and that might change by 0.5 lbs as he reaches full maturity.
His mommy is AKC registered and is a 7 lbs gold and black female. The stud dad is AKC registered 4.5 lbs silver and gold boy.
He had his shot series (records will be provided), his tail docked, his dew claws removed. He is doing pretty well with puppy pad training and is a gentle boy with a good temper and not a big barker. His favorite thing is to cuddle and get a belly rub.
If you have any more questions, let me know.