Teacup/ Toy Newborn YorkiePom Puppies, taking deposits now. 1 lady & & 1 child will be 4 lbs complete grown. They need to look quite like Yorkies as Mom is a purebred Pomeranian and Dad is a purebred Teacup Yorkie. They are $500 each. A $200 deposit will certainly hold your option up until they prepare to leave mid December with the balance due at pick up. I can hold for Christmas. Character is outbound and playful, snugly and caring. They come with their Puppy Vaccinations, Health Records, small bag of canine food, vitamins, & & health guarantee. If you are searching for a sweet, clever, delighted and healthy young puppy this is it. Text or call my cell at
to make arrangements to come check out. I can accept Cash, Debit, Credit, PayPal and funding PayPal Credit