Longhair Chihuahua Young puppy !!!
Tiny Guy, White with cream colour markings. Nice Apple dome, Short muzzle and great ears. Actually good disposition !!
He has a wonderful personality and teems with Personal appeal !!
* Estimated weight when full matured is 3-4 pounds.
* 9 weeks old.
* He has gotten first injection.
* He has actually additionally been dewormed.
* He is Kennel and Pad educated !!
Major queries, CALL me at 48O
once more simply severe questions.
* Note: ALL Photo are Current *.
Chi, Chihuahuas, Tea cup,Tcup,T-cup, Teacup, Itty Bitty, Plaything, Small, Tiny, Pup, Pups, Puppies, Puppie, Young puppy's, Puppys, Present, Present.