We got three tiny beautiful yorkies for sale. Just born. Will be ready to go in 2 months. Puppies are CKC registered from CKC registered parents. Mom is also AKC registered.
One girl is amazing. She is very calm, does not cry at all, 3.6 oz. and expected to be a t-cup when she will grow up, around 3.6 lbs. She will be good for those families who wants to have a very calm dog on the couch. Because of the size we sell her for $750
The second girl will be playful. She is 4.2 oz and expected to be a toy size which will be around 4.5 lbs or less. She will be good for those families who love to play with dogs. Because of her size we will sell her for $700
The boy is 3.6 oz. He will be a sweet boy and a t-cup. He will be around 3.6 pounds when he will grow up. We would like to sell him for $700
Please let me know if interested. We did not remove the dew claws yet because some people do not want them to be removed. The tails are docked already. deposits of serious people are accepts.
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