Is a 5 year old, 69 lb, brindle mix.
came to shelter on 2/17/18
He is high energy
loves to play ball.
Loves to be busy and would love agility.
He was very interested in the sticks during the picture session.
He is a good boy
This boy needs to run, play, do normal dog things.
Being cooped up doesnt help him at all
Great with other dogs and people.
A Canine Gem fee:
Vet Services: $175
(Rabies, Dhlpp, bordetella,, heartworm tested negative, spayed,health certificate)
Travel fee from South Carolina to Vermont: $125
Boarding and food: $100
I am Ready for my new family $450
A Canine Gem Rescue
312 Commerce Street #50, Williston VT