Sunny's story
Please go to our website to complete an application.
We will make every attempt to process all applications within 3 business days of receipt
Meet Sunny! a sweet 3.6 lb, adorable Pomeranian pup born February of 2018.
She is very puppyish, eager to learn, fluffy & starting to listen to the word that she hears most often "no" lol. Sunny walks well on a harness, sometimes will take the leash in her mouth and walk herself. She is still a pup so not yet house trained. She loves to play with other dogs and cats. She is a feisty little pup full of energy. She lives to play with toys and will share with her doggy friends.
Sunny, is a special needs puppy. She has a condition common in the Pomeranian breed called Hepatic Microvascular Dysplasia - An abnormality of the liver . Her blood doesn't flow properly through her liver so, she needs to get medication twice a day and be on a special RX diet so her liver is able to break down the toxins. She also needs an adopter who can be with her often to monitor her to make sure she does not become hypglycemic (low blood sugar level). Sunny's adopter MUST be able to maintain her medical needs and have the time to monitor her.
Sunny is spayed, microchipped and current on her vaccines. Her adoption fee is $300 plus a $100 refundable training deposit. Training must be provided, to ensure she becomes the best canine citizens. *The training deposit will be refundable within 3 months of the adoption date for puppies 4 months and older. For puppies younger than 4 months, proof of training is required within 4 months of the adoption date. If you think you would like to meet Sunny please fill out an application online for pre-approval to help streamline the adoption process.
All of our dogs are in private volunteer foster homes, and as such these individuals are most qualified to answer any questions regarding the dog.
We do not have a central shelter or kennel locations - you must make a private one-on-one meet and greet appointment with each individual dog at the foster family's convenience. To protect our foster families' privacy, we must have an APPROVED adoption application on file before we release their contact information.
All of our dogs are fixed (spayed/neutered) and up to date on shots. We have a 2 week foster-to-adopt period to make sure the dog is a fit for your family. Adoption fees vary from dog-to-dog.
Please note that an approved application DOES NOT guarantee that the dog will be placed with you. The final decision rests with our fosters as they know the dogs the best, and please be aware that there may be other applicants interested in the same dog. We continue accepting applications on a dog until the dog is with the new adoptive family in their home.
Thank you for visiting our dogs located at