Titles are:
Advanced scroll saw projects.
Black powder handbook.
Briggs and Stratton V-Twin OHV manual.
Motorized Bicycles.
Full size GM pickups.
Arc welding.
Custom knifemaking.
The delta/seal civilian security and personal defence manual.
The Mayan Prophecies.
Washington for the curious.
If the river was Whiskey.
Websters Spanish and English dictionary.
Roget's 21st century Thesaurus.
The 9 steps to financial freedom.
Don't mess with my money.
The farmers handbook.
Complete home landscaping and garden guide.
The lightning conductor.
World facts.
The 9/11 report.
How to stay alive in the woods.
Whatever happened to Penny candy??
What we saw---9/11
The Father to be book.
Chiltons GM trucks 1970-79
Easy ways to expert wood working
Guinness world records 2014
Per book $10.00 EACH OR buy everything for $125.00
All books are in excellent shape...No ripped or torn pages.
Some are valued at $20+ on Amazon.com