Stewart's story
Meet Stewart! He was brought in by animal control in TX after being found roaming the streets. Unfortunately nobody ever came for poor Stewart.
He is approximately 3 years old ( April 2015 DOB) and weighs in at about 16.8lbs. Stewart is a neutered male terrier mix. He is NOT hypoallergenic. He loves to play with with other dogs and is extremely spunky. He would do great in a home with a friend to play with or someone who can take him on some awesome CO adventures! Stewart also loves to snuggle and get tons of love. Someone who has lots of time to spend with him and show him how awesome life is - that there is more to life than a scary shelter or a stray on the streets. He has so much love to give and just needs a loving family to give it to.
If you are interested in adopting Stewart, please email us at [email protected] or fill out our application at