We have 7 male Bernedoodles available. We have both parents in our home. Mom weighs 70 lbs and dad weighs 110 lbs. They will have first shots and dewormed. They are $1000 each with $100 non refundable deposit. It goes towards total. They were born on July 17, 2024. They will be ready to go to their furever home September 11, 2024. Will take additional pictures, videos and FaceTime upon request. We weigh the puppies weekly so you can keep up with their growth. Please text or call the number below.
1 Parti white with black markings
2 Parti white with brown markings
3 Cream with lighter tan markings
4 Tan with white markings
5 Tri color with less white on head
6 Cream with darker tan markings
7 Tri color with more white on head
Dog Breed | Bernedoodle |