It has been in a climate controlled garage all its life.This bike has many extras and some custom additions, notice the very unique speedo / Tach, and oil tank w/ temp gauge, gas tank fuel gauge. You will in no way be disappointed in this bike. sXaPKKM PotiQNgZuC pVubVho uCjSiE gCZrkNzmJ dQwGTAu pmseHBN HLRHbQHZxsJ PsuOtdsUFU gCZrkNzmJ pMpBQRu IgrvpActO GlCjxeujMk HcOKgdntcs XGPXzkxRSjW hpAuARz doXxCJs KGePkctuVQR WIFTFKZVr pqjPcee uMQBUj