- Sony compact digital camera kit. Buy the whole kit for only $120.
- - Sony DSC-W150 digital camera with 8.1 megapixels, 5X optical zoom, and a 30 mm wide-angle lens (135 equivalent). Includes all accessories that came with the camera and is stored in the original box. Retailed for $185, asking $100.
- - SanDisk Ultra II 4 GB read/write PRO Duo memory card. Retailed for $55, asking $25.
- - Digital Concepts camera case. Retailed for $15, asking $8.
- Tiffen set of 3 55mm close-up lens w/case. Never used. Asking $25.
- Tiffen 52mm Polarizer camera filter. Asking $20.
- Tiffen 55mm Polarizer camera filter. Asking $20.
- Tiffen 55mm Spot camera filter. Asking $20.
- Tiffen 55mm Neutral Density camera filter. Asking $10.
- Tiffen 55mm UV Protector camera filter. Asking $10.
- Tiffen 55mm Blue 80A camera filter. Asking $10.
- Tiffen 55mm Yellow #8 camera filter. Asking $10.
- Tiffen 55mm Green #11 camera filter. Asking $10.
- Tiffen 55mm Red 25A camera filter. Asking $10.
- Tiffen 58mm Blue 80B camera filter. Asking $10.
All items are in new/excellent to good condition.
and if I can't answer then you can leave a message and phone number and I'll call you back ASAP. If you are calling from a long distance number then leave a local number, or your email address, that I can contact you back at.
I have other items listed for sale on Americanlisted too. To see the complete list of items available go to the Americanlisted-Denver main page and enter the phone number given above in the search field.
Location: Aurora by Iliff & Peoria