This snow white little Pom was born on August,.
2014 and is presently 8 weeks old & & all set for a.
brand-new house. She was veterinarian examined, has actually first set.
of shots, dewormed, bathed and flea dealt with.
She is managed daily to make sure correct socializing,.
fed high quality food for ideal health and.
raised with lots of love and attention! Young puppy is.
full of energy, cheerful, and lively. She will certainly be a.
fantastic addition to your house. Terrific with children.
and grownups, she can just put a smile on your face.
that will certainly make your day. When in hands she is very.
cuddly, and when playing around on the floor or.
with toys very energetic.
PET ONLY, she is a tiny.
little lady, not for reproducing.
Will deliver upon.
demand for extra $300, although local.
get is chosen.
If you have any concerns.
do not hesitate to call me cell. -LRB-916-RRB- or.
email. Just e-mails including complete contact.
info will be responded to. This includes your.
complete name, phone number, & & areas as well as.
some information about the kind of house you will.
be providing to my puppy. Major queries just.